“Righteous indignation” might be a phrase that comes immediately to mind for many readers hearing about the situation reportedly faced by millions of American consumers

Here’s the gist. Imagine you sought medical services for treatment of an illness or other debilitating condition. You checked with your insurance company prior to doing so, getting its go-ahead to proceed. You duly produced your insurance card and related information to your health care provider.

And then, following the care you received, bill processing bogged down, as it typically does in millions of cases across the country. Information sent from your care provider’s billing department to your insurer seemingly went into a black hole. Months went by, with successive bills from your provider arriving in your mailbox demanding payment from you for services that were clearly to be compensated for by your insurance company.

And then the contacts from a collection agency began, following the care provider’s contact to that third party. You suddenly noticed a drop in your credit score, noting a notation regarding nonpayment of your bill.

Finally, the insurer weighed in, paying off what it – not you – owed to the medical facility.

There’s not much satisfaction in that, is there, when, as a good-faith consumer who totally fulfilled all your responsibilities, you are left with a dinged credit score and soiled credit history?

That scenario plays out many times each year across the United States, with a recent media article on medical billing noting a government agency’s report “spotlighting concerns about how medical debts are collected and reported.”

Consumers in Mississippi and nationally shouldn’t be left on the hook for payment duties that are the responsibilities of other parties. And they certainly shouldn’t suffer harassing contacts from collection agencies and plummeting credit scores when they acted in good faith to satisfy their payment obligations.

A proven debt-relief attorney can provide diligent and aggressive representation on behalf of any person who is dealing with debt-related problems, especially when those problems owe to the actions of third parties.

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